Vegan Recipes

Avocado & Kale with Mango-Berry Vinaigrette

In keeping with my recent practice of re-purposing food to maximize deliciousness and minimize waste, I made this amazing mango-berry vinaigrette with the remnants of a smoothie I made in the Vitamix.  Instead of immediately rinsing it out, I decided to use this as an opportunity to make a fruity-vinaigrette, something I’ve been wanting to try for a while.  Although I’m a condiment queen, I don’t generally buy salad dressing.  In part, this is because I prefer warm vegetables to cold salads.  But when I do get a hankering for a salad, I tend to want some kind of vinaigrette, as I absolutely love the taste of vinegar.  Anyways, to make this, I simply added about a quarter cup of EVOO to the leftover smoothie, along with copious amounts of balsamic vinegar,  sea salt and black pepper.  It was so ridiculously good.  And, I got to store it in this re-purposed jar, formerly home to maraschino cherries.  Recycling this tiny jar made me very, very happy.

I am delicious. I am tiny. I am amazing. I am recycled.
I am delicious. I am tiny. I am recycled.

To celebrate my re-purposing triumph, I cut up an avocado, sprinkled it with cumin and introduced it to a handful of kale.  Drizzled it with my amazing mango-berry dressing.  And for the next 20 bites, all was right with the world.

Avocado & kale

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